Learn the tools to feel empowered, authentic & deeply loved as a highly sensitive.

Courses, Coaching & Community for Sensitive Souls

Do you feel...

Intense & Volatile Emotions?

feeling completely out of control, overpowered, or like you might never be happy again


trying so hard to be accepted by others that you lose all sense of your own truth, your purpose

Boundaries are difficult?

being an emotional sponge, people pleaser, & the inability to say no

You are not alone &

you are at the perfect place on your journey!

my Commitment to yoU is...

that in your darkest moments you will remember that you are not alone.

And that you have the knowledge, resilience & absolute trust

in yourself

that are required to get yourself through anything.

I fiercely believe in leading my clients back to

their own truth,

to help them embrace their amazing highly sensitive trait, so that they can create a truly fulfilling life!

Find the perfect next step on your journey:

33 Days To Feeling Deeply Loved - Course

-daily video guidance & weekly coaching

-figure out what you struggle with &

how to move past limitations

-gain confidence, resilience & a whole lot of love

1:1 Coaching

With my gentle, empathetic, intuitive nature, I will guide you through 2 phases of coaching:

  1. Mastering your emotions

  2. Discovering who you are/ self worth/ your HSP trait

Finding Back To You -monthly membership

-nurturing space of HSPs like you

-build your ultimate tool kit to

master your emotions & create the life you love

-get beyond feeling broken, depressed, anxious, incaplable, rejected, abandoned & misunderstood

5 mistakes HSPs make in Love -video course

-being a highly sensitive in love

-how to attract the right partner for you

-how to re-connect & strengthen within your relationship


"The courses & live group calls Christine puts together have been nothing short of life changing for me! I had felt so trapped in this cycle of depression, anger & overstimulation that I didn't think I could ever lead a life I could actually enjoy! Three months later, I already have so much more joy in my life!"


"I was worried that I would once again get my heart broken by someone not understanding me or not being delicate enough with my emotions. But Christine has an extraordinary gentleness, kindness and deep understanding and I felt truly seen for the first time in my life. From here, I think anything is possible, we have already explored & healed so many of my deep seeded limiting beliefs."


"I felt so disconnected from my husband & friends, pushing everyone away for years because I just didn't think they would understand my HSP trait. But when I started working with Christine, things began to shift right away. I was able to embrace myself for who I really am & learn the tools I needed to connect deeply with the ones I cherish most in my life."

-forever grateful -Rose

I Believe Every Highly Sensitive Person...

-deserves to create a deeply fulfilling life

-deserves to find a way out of feeling weak, vulnerable, unadventurous

& incapable of handling all of life's challenges

-deserves to be loved for the deepest parts of their soul

-deserves to have the tools to get out of feeling alone, rejected, abandoned

& misunderstood

I've been there. I've found the way out & YOU CAN TOO!

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